Date Well - Women
Date Well exists to empower single Christian women to heal their inner world, build a foundation for healthy relationships, and connect with God’s perspective on singleness and dating. Over the course of 12 weeks, we’ll talk through major teachings within the topics of identity, trust, vision, dating philosophy, and dating strategy. You’ll have the option to choose a time zone that works best for you to watch the live 30-60 minute sessions alongside other like-minded women. You’ll even have the ability to engage with your group during live sessions via chat box! To help build even more community, we’ll have a Facebook page that will feature weekly writing prompts, bonus “hot topic” sessions, and live Q&A’s with our core team! Dating as a christian woman in this generation is complex, let us help you simplify it- sign up today!

Parent Well
A Guided Online Program & Community For Parents. Our kids are growing up at a time in history when culture is inundated with messages about sexuality that are neither true nor healthy. Parenting isn't an easy job on the best day, but with a moral crisis outside our front door, parenting our children in their sexuality can feel overwhelming at best. We want to equip parents with truth and tools that will help you develop a plan to win the hearts of your children, establish cultures of trust and safety, teach them about sexuality with confidence and respond well to the challenges they may face along the way.

Sex. Church. Culture. Vol II : Stories & Solutions
Sex. Church. Culture. Volume II is all about individual restoration and the tools needed for our churches to truly become hospitals for the sexually broken. We will unpack real life stories of sexuality within the church and the solutions that brought wholeness. Our focuses will be pornography, marital affairs, LGBTQ, and early childhood exposure. Experts in church leadership as well as counseling will join us to give implementable solutions for church leadership teams. Leaders will walk away with renewed hope for restoration as well as actual tools and resources that will help lead people to wholeness.

Look At You, Girl
Look at You, Girl is a book for girls and women of all ages. It is a kickstart to seeing yourself the way God does a bit more clearer.
Girls, we invest so much in our looks, but do we ever slow down and look inside? Can you imagine if we started investing in our souls? Take a week to shift your focus from what you see on the outside, to look at how He made you inside and out. Our life’s purpose is far greater than how we will fit into that dress, what mascara we use or what we’ll look like in a bikini. Grab your girls and start this one-week journey together, it’s time to start seeing yourself through a fresh set of lens and gain a clear perspective of who you were made to be.
The struggle with “self-acceptance” stops the second we actually begin to see ourselves the way God does. Watch as His Word comes alive in you and gives you that strong foundation for who you are and Whose you are. Together we will throw away the lies that don’t belong in your beautiful mind, and start walking in your new pair of shoes—shoes of peace. This short book is full of scriptures, stories, sayings and even songs that will bring you to a place of God-confidence.

How To Stop
How To Stop is created to not only inform you about pornography/ masturbation but also equip you in breaking the sin pattern. It includes:
• 31 Pages of Content
• My personal testimony with sexual sin
• Biblical basis on the topic
• Research and data behind the harm with porn
• Reflection questions
• Practical tips on how to stop
• Other resources for additional help
If you have been feeling trapped in this sin, here is your time to take back what the enemy has stolen and to start walking in the authority God has given you. This isn’t just a “male" problem, this is a people problem. It’s time we stop struggling in secret and silence and walk in the power Christ has given us.
We recommend this content for individuals 15+ years old due to sensitive content.

Revolución Moral
Moral Revolution seeks to inspire a culture of noble people to walk in purity, passion, and power and to help restore those who have fallen. This non-religious, intimate, and honest look at sex is a training manual that will equip you to survive the battlefield of your own sex drive, overcome the power of peer pressure, and push back the cesspool of distorted cultural values. It will help you to emerge from combat with your trophy of purity intact so that you can present it to your lover on your honeymoon night. Many who have fallen in this battle or have been wounded in this war will find hope and courage to start over again. Moral Revolution is written for radical lovers and passionate people who dream of being catalysts to another sexual revolution: one that transforms the way the world views sexuality, defines the unborn, and embraces the family.

Sex. Church. Culture. - Vol. I - Awareness
In Sex. Church. Culture. Volume I, we tackle some of the challenging issues facing the church and leadership. This series encompasses awareness as well as the practicals needed to lead people into healthy sexuality. We cover LGBTQ, the connection between human trafficking and the everyday man, parenting resources, moral failures and more. Our hope for you is that you will be inspired by a big picture perspective to find day-to-day solutions. It is our belief that the future is hopeful and God will provide the creative solutions to restore cultural sexuality to His design for it.

The Journey Out
Many churches and individuals now affirm the gay Christian life and cheer-on LGBTQ Pride. But what if the LGBTQ life isn’t the party—for our neighbors, loved ones, or ourselves—that the world says it is? What if these valuable people are in pain? Pain that sex and Gay Pride won’t heal?
After a life of hopelessness and a suicidal season over his confused sexual identity and unwanted same-sex desires, Ken discovered that Jesus offered real inner healing and intimate relationship. Since then, He have worked tirelessly to help others experience the same hope and transformation he found.
In The Journey Out, Ken...
• Demystify homosexuality and gender identity issues.
• Share stories of real transformation of sexual identity.
• Help you form an intimate connection with Jesus and journey toward wholeness and freedom.
• Lead you to meet with God in key areas crucial to growth.
• Offer wisdom for supporters: parents, family, friends, and pastors.

6 Keys to Freedom From Homosexuality
Having battled homosexuality and its corresponding rejection, self-hatred, and hopelessness for many years, Ken eventually stumbled into a great big God who cared about his pain and offered radical transformation to his identity and sexuality. This teaching is an anointed articulation of how you can proactively partner with God’s plan to lead you into freedom from sexual sin and solidarity in your identity as the man or woman of God that he created you to be. Ken identifies the 6 important keys that God used to heal his sexuality and to help him manifest his own masculinity. Those who battle shame, addiction to porn and masturbation, codependency, and an unyielding belief that homosexuality is their identity have found this teaching to be transformational. It was for freedom that Christ set you free! All things are possible in Him.

A 4-Week Challenge To Forge Inner Strength
What set of beliefs guide your life? This is a question every man needs to answer for himself. When a man knows what he believes and why he believes it his impact becomes immeasurable. Men in their most raw form are creators, dreamers, doers, protectors, lovers, artists, adventurers and life givers. As life’s transitions begin to take place failure, shame, rejection, insecurities and doubt cause men to question their true identity….

52 Questions And Tips To Become Intimately Connected
INTIMATE CONNECTION - These cards were birthed out of counseling -- created by a coach-therapist team (@dearyoungmarriedcouple) who were looking for ways to help their couples heal, become intimately connected, get adventurous, and find purpose.
Each deck comes with unlimited access to the Video Vault, which is full of videos, PDF guides, and other resources to help you in your marriage. Each of the 52 cards has a question to ask each other and a teaching point (like a TIP, EXAMPLE, or a STUDIES SHOW). The cards are numbered, so you can look up the index of topics and view resources on our website: www.dearyoungmarriedcouple.com
GET INTO YOUR SPOUSE'S WORLD - Improve your communication skills, get to know each other better, and have fun doing it
DATE NIGHTS AND ROAD TRIPS - Some couples use them on date nights or on a road trip, while other couples use them as a weekly discussion point (so they finish the deck in a year).
QUESTIONS YOU NEVER THOUGHT TO ASK - The topics cover everything marriage, including: communication, intimacy, extended family, finances, conflict resolution, spiritual foundation, dating, parenting, habits, self-esteem as it relates to the relationship, and more.

Connection Codes
The Connection Codes will equip you with everything you need to put an end to disconnection in your marriage and parenting. If you long for more in your relationships, this is for you.

Finding You
A Hope-Filled Journey
Even though Ken Williams was raised in a conservative Christian church and by parents who loved him, he wrestled for decades with his sexual identity and unwanted same-sex attraction. Until the Lord broke into his life to create a vibrant and intimate connection with Him that changed his life.
In this series, Ken will share with you the pathway that the Lord used to walk Him into a sense of wholeness, God-confidence, self-love, meaningful same-sex friendships, and proud ownership of his masculinity. This course is a comprehensive discipleship program that features testimonials, teachings, ministry times, and activations via dozens of videos and this interactive guidebook.
No two journeys will be exactly the same, so Ken will lead you into forming your own intimate relationship with God and point you to the key areas where God may be wanting to meet unmet needs or bring healing to wounds.
Those who focus on changing their same-sex desires don’t seem to ever get there. But those who whole-heartedly mine deep intimacy with Father God find deep fulfillment in life and position themselves to receive from the One who has promised to meet our needs and answer our prayers.
Join Ken for a hope-filled journey into finding the deepest you.

Numb To Known
This book is for men who are feeling hopeless about their inability to curb their porn-use. Numb to Known breaks down the mystery behind compulsive porn-use whether it's daily, weekly, monthly or otherwise. The problem is not porn itself. Porn is simply the solution to the problem. So what is it the solution for?
The author opens up about his own journey with porn and his struggle for freedom to what felt like a life-long, hopeless battle. In his story, he shares the three pillars that drive porn-use: isolation, passivity and pain.
Full of practical tools, principles, Scripture and science, Numb to Known will point the reader in the direction they've been wanting all along: a life full of connection, power, purpose and healing.

Navigating LGBTQ
Navigating LGBTQ is a comprehensive video course, answering tough questions Christians face today concerning the LGBTQ topic. In this course, CHANGED shares insight from science and scripture and from their personal experiences in leaving LGBTQ behind, as they demystify LGBTQ and offer practical wisdom on how any Christian can respond to LGBTQ with love and truth.

Finally Free
Finding freedom from pornography is not just a personal battle – it's a spiritual and emotional one. Struggling with pornography, while unfortunately common, is one of the most isolating struggles a person can face. The enemy wants you to think you’re shameful, you’re weak, you’re not enough, and you’ll never be free – God has something different to say.
You might be thinking:
"Oh no, I slipped again. How long will this struggle continue? I want to break free, but it's hard to resist the temptation."
"I wish it was easier. I wish I could stop. I wish I knew how to fight these urges."
"I feel so ashamed. Can I just ignore it and hope it goes away?"
"How am I supposed to overcome this addiction when it's everywhere in our culture?"
"I feel awkward enough admitting I have a problem... how do I even start the process of healing and recovery?"
"I'm scared this will affect my marriage/future marriage, but I just don't know what to do."
These are the thoughts and comments we hear all the time from those struggling with pornography. The need for us as Christians to engage in this battle for purity grows more evident every day.
You can’t be silent about your struggle. You can’t ignore the problem and just hope it goes away or doesn’t cause problems in your relationships. You MUST be equipped to seek God's heart for purity and freedom.
It's your responsibility to embrace the vision of what intimacy is supposed to be, what relationships are supposed to be, what wholeness in Christ is supposed to be. Once you understand the good and whole plan God created for sex and sexuality, it becomes easier to reject the broken versions that are prevalent in today's culture.
For your sake, we wish it was a one-time decision, but God actually structured our walk with Him to be a continuous relationship rather than a quick fix. This is so that you can be molded and shaped by His Word, walk in accountability, and find healing and restoration as you grow in purity and intimacy with Him.
We’re here to support you in that.
Finally Free will help you address your own hurdles to breaking free from pornography, create a culture of honesty, accountability, and safety over the topic of sexual purity, provide practical strategies on what to do, and when, and how to navigate the temptations and triggers in our hyper-sexualized culture.