social issues


We are far more connected than we think. We want to be a part of changing today’s culture, eradicating unhealthy thought patterns, and heal the demands that perpetuate these cycles.

We want to bring awareness to what’s not obvious. Simply the way we think plays a part in how our society is impacted by sexuality. Our beliefs on the matter have a lot of power. Did you know there is a direct link between the consumption of porn and the increase in sex trafficking? Did you know 60% of women who have an abortion have at least one other child and 1.5% of all abortions were from rape/incest? The everyday person is often unknowingly contributing to one of the most vile practices in society - sex trafficking?

By educating and equipping people to be able to change culture, we are able to stop the demand that perpetuates these unhealthy cycles. There’s so much more than making a stand and sharing an opinion on an issue or being hands on with the stopping of these issues. We must find what’s really happening and why it’s happening. Let’s help bring some clarity, empowerment, and resource for you to be part of the change our culture needs.

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