Help Translate Our Content
We are so humbled to have people come alongside and join us in helping shift the way culture views sexuality. We are excited about this and what could happen!! We’ve been building the global development department to create teams to translate into their language. For that reason we’ve brought on our favorite Swiss, Michelle Goff.
We’re so grateful for your willingness and desire to volunteer and help disciple the nations with healthy sexuality. Our goal is first to direct people to blog posts because they are easiest to share and have the best longevity in impact. We also will start with an Instagram account.
We already launched the Portuguese, German, Spanish, and French websites and instagram pages. You can find them below.
Michelle Goff
Global Development Pastor
Instagram: @moralrevolution.portugues
Instagram: @moralrevolution.deutsch
Instagram: @moralrevolution.espanol
Instagram: @moralrevolution.francais
Future languages we want to do are Chinese, Arabic, and Russian. If you speak one of these languages please follow the Next Steps. If you are interested in translating an other language, please fill click “other language” button below. We will contact you about a potential translations but we can’t promise to translate all languages.
I’m Interested in Translating
I want To Support Translations
Next Steps To TransLating
If you interested in translating Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, German, or Spanish, please follow the next steps listed below.
Read our brand guidelines.
Our brand guidelines explain how and why we say everything. As you can imagine, purity is a very sensitive topic and one that is often shamed, twisted, controlled or used to manipulate people. Our goal is to celebrate how God created it, help people who have either made bad choices or had bad choices done to them get healing, and walk out powerful, healthy, victorious sexuality. Also we want to help people to help people make good decisions early on to live out their purity in the long run.
Choose a blog and translate it.
Go to our blog and find an article you think would be post helpful for your culture and translate it according to our brand guidelines. Translations should be using conversational language and a thought-for-thought translation rather than word-for-word translation.
Submit Your Translation
Next, please fill out this form with your contact information and upload your translated document for review.
Translation Reviewed
After we receive your translation, we will have some of our trusted friends double check your work. As you know with translation, it’s not just word-for-word but the translating the heart of the content as well. You can also imagine how sensitive a topic like sexuality can be and how it can be accidentally misrepresented. Which is why we check all translations.
Our next steps are developing language based teams. Spanish then French are our next teams. Our goal is to respond to our submissions in accordance with the upcoming languages.
Portuguese Translation: Response time as soon as possible this is an ongoing team.
German Translation: Response time as soon as possible as this is an ongoing team.
Spanish Translation: Response time as soon as possible as this is an ongoing team.
French Translation: Response time as soon as possible as this is an ongoing team.
Chinese, Arabic, and Russian Translation: we will be contacting you with more information Fall 2023.
We look forward to hearing from you and reading your blog posts! And thank you for your interest!