One of our priorities as an organization is to see a Moral Revolution take place in churches, communities, schools and regions as people gather to discover God’s design for the beauty of sex. Whether it is a large conference or smaller intensive, our call to preach and teach truth about sexuality is the heart behind what we do. We are able to partner with you as one aspect of a larger event, or work with your organization to create a multi-day intensive focused on relationships, connection, and sexuality. We would love to partner with you for a time of preaching, teaching, honest Q&A, and ministry that focuses on reclaiming culture. Below are some of the types of events we’ve done before. Check them out to see how we can start the conversation of bringing Moral Revolution locally.
Click an option below to expand and learn more.
2-3 days...
2-3 Day Conference
This weekend can be regionally focused or offered as a discipleship tool for your church. The topics we cover help build a foundation of understanding God’s design for sexuality. The teaching times are built to address the current cultural landscape of sexuality, and then help people identify biblical truth and the heart of Jesus. We are able to accomplish this goal through scripture, vulnerable real-life stories, scientific truth about how the body works, and post-service ministry times. Ideas of topics that can be covered are: pornography, parenting, youth, marriage, dating and general purity.
Here is an example of what a weekend schedule could look like:
Friday Evening:
7:00 PM - The Value of Vulnerability & Sexual Environments
“Your level of breakthrough is directly related to your level of vulnerability.”
Saturday Morning:
10:00 AM - The Science of Sex
“Understanding how God’s design is coded into your body and how your past is informing your present.”
12:00-1:30 PM - Lunch Break
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM - Workshops 1
Workshop on Porn/ Single Life/ Boundaries
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Workshops 2
Boundaries/ Healthy Communication/ Guy-Girl Split
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Dinner Break
6:00 PM - My Yes
“Making a choice and a plan to partner with God for your future, your healing, and your people.”
One Nights
Topic specific evenings...
Topic Specific Nights
Moral Revolution “One Nights” are events that highlight specific topics to help churches start conversations that may be challenging in other settings. These are often focused on seasons of life such as young marrieds, marriage, youth, young adults, parents or pornography awareness. This allows us to give tools to individuals based on where they are at, and what is most relevant to them.
Ideally, these are set up on consecutive nights for a church body. The progression of these nights might be:
Wednesday: Youth
Thursday: Parenting
Friday: Young Adults
Saturday: Marriages
The areas of focus are limitless and could be designed in collaboration with the host ministry based on the current needs.
Ministry Training
YWAM, School of Ministry...
YWAM, School Of Ministry, Leadership Training, Church Training
As sexuality becomes an even greater part of our culture, we need to equip our future leaders with not only a Biblical foundation for God’s design, but also the tools for healing them and those they minister to. We have done full weeks, half weeks, and 1-2 day trainings for these schools. We’ve been proud to serve YWAM Bases and schools of ministry around the world. Let’s equip and send out the fiery ones to bring healing to the world.
Spiritual Emphasis...
Spiritual Emphasis Week
In our pursuit to shift culture's view of sexuality, we recognize that one of the most critical demographics is college students. Students receive a massive influx of information, presenting a drastic opportunity for truth to have space to land. We love partnering with universities and discipleship programs to help impact their paradigm of sex. With scientific based, biblical teaching we are able to present truths about sexuality that have proven to shift mindsets, and set students on a trajectory for a life of wholeness and freedom. We have found that the combination of intellectual information paired with moments in God's presence brings significant life change to spirit, soul and body.
We have created sessions meant to spark a cultural shift, beginning on an individual level and ultimately moving through an entire community. Depending on your community, your needs, and culture’s current climate - we have a series of teachings we can customize for your group. We want to be relevant in the sense of answering the questions that the community is asking, and speaking to the voids that need to be filled with truth.
Below is a sample of content we find helpful and we speak on for our local hosts. Click to learn more.
Sex & Culture (Environments)
One of the most important steps in our pursuit of sexual wholeness is to assess our perspective of sexuality and where it comes from. Sex is a learned behavior therefore our earliest and most frequent experiences play a powerful role in our current realities. This teaching helps individuals take inventory of their story and how it has impacted their current reality. We bring the questions that dive into who defined sex for us, and what reality that shaped around our sexuality. We share the testimonies that display God’s goodness in restoration. Before we dive into modern definitions of sexuality, we need to address where we came from and what we are believing. These conversations often begin the groundwork for discovering why we believe what we believe, and where we do or do not line up with the heart of Jesus.
Science of Sex
Much of our teaching is built on biology, neuroscience and psychology. Dr. Caroline Leaf said, "Science is finally catching up with the Bible.” We believe this wholeheartedly. We recognize the truth that science and the Word of God are not opposing forces as frequently depicted, rather science and the Bible are deeply interconnected, walking hand in hand. God is the author of life, and science is the discovery of life. God is the original owner, and we aim to see the church claim back what belongs to their King and Creator. Many scientific beliefs can be linked with scriptural truths, providing a beautiful connection between God's written words and the results of His spoken word. Science is simply the spoken Word of God that keeps echoing. Our bodies, minds, emotions, and interactions within humanity are so easily broken down in scientific fields, but this is where we find what God’s original blueprints looked like when He decided to give us the hormones, thought patterns, sex-drives, and the power of choice.
This Is My Yes
We are taught from a young age the power of the word “No”, but often we underestimate the extreme value of our “Yes”. When we approach life head on, knowing what we stand for, rather than just what we are against, many options are eliminated. When your yes is big enough, the no doesn’t have as big of a voice anymore. We love to bring the message of “My Yes” to engage hearts and minds to connect to what holds value for us and the heart of God regarding our thought patterns and decision making, but on a larger scheme, who we are and what He is calling us to. Many of us have known for years what we won’t do, but the questions we like to bring to the table is “What is your yes, and what does that practically look like”?
Sex & Identity
One of the greatest gifts our Father gave us was that He created us as individuals. Being created as individuals in His image also put a target on our backs as the enemy seeks to kill, steal and destroy the image of God on earth. In every event we do, we seek to reunite people with their true, powerful, and whole identity. There are few things more powerful than an internal revelation of personal identity, given by the Father. We believe in the uncovering of true identity to walk out every area of life in the wholeness He has desired for us. Our identity is locked in finding His voice, and letting His voice establish who we are made to be. When we discover who we are in light of who He is, walking out the fullness of life He’s dreamed for us comes naturally. Identity creates value, and value for who you are leads decision making in the realm of sexuality.
Marriage: Husband & Wife
Sex and marriage were meant to go together! It is our deep and heartfelt belief that sex isn't just a nice additive to marriage, but an important pillar within it. Sex in marriage is the fullness of intimacy that God created for His people on a physical level. We unpack the interconnections and thread work between intimacy, vulnerability and the detriments and fireworks those factors bring to the bedroom (or kitchen, for that matter). The value in bringing these conversations to the table come from God’s heart for marital intimacy. He made sex as a good thing, lacking any shame, and we aim to take this realm back into the church as God’s creation first. Through honest and vulnerable conversation it is our hope to inspire marriages to purse a great and connected sex life.
Getting Your Needs Met
This is paramount to healthy sexuality no matter what stage of life you are in! You were created as a triune person - body, soul, spirit. Each of these parts have unique needs. Many issues that arise in our life is not from an evil place but a need that’s going unmet. By finding out what these needs are, and how to get them met in a healthy way so you can thrive, you get to control your desires and urges, they don’t get to control you. This starts with identifying on a personal level, what needs you have as a man or woman, and what getting them met (in any season of life) looks like practically.
Parenting Sexuality
Parenting and sexuality is possibly one of the greatest disconnects in our culture. The average youth finds pornography between eight and eleven years old. Over 60% of kids that find porn do so on accident and are left to make sense of what they found. It has become a passion of Moral Revolution to equip parents with the language and resources needed to have healthy conversations with their kids. When our parents are silent media becomes the only voice of sexual instruction and that doesn't make for a good sex education teacher. Through teaching, real life stories and current statistics we have developed resources to help parents feel less intimidated and more empowered to talk about sex with their children.
The conversation on homosexuality can be confusing and painful, but it doesn’t have to be. Using our own testimonies and testimonies of many others who have came out of the lifestyle, our goal is to provide language, resources, and hope to those struggling with same-sex-desires or homosexuality.
Q&A Session
We have found that some of the most powerful times are Q & A sessions. In these moments people are able to ask specific questions about areas in their lives that have been a challenge. Through vulnerable answers and honest conversation we have seen significant healing take place in these times.
Workshops are a great way to have smaller, more intimate and specific conversations for your group. Workshops typically run 45min-1 hour and allow for teaching and question and answer time. Hosts who have chosen to do workshops typically prefer to do them in the afternoon to help attendees stay engaged after gaining a great foundation for the topics we’ll be covering.
Guys & Girls Split
“You’re not a girl/guy. You wouldn’t understand”
Some conversations are best had separately. Depending on what your event is geared toward, and the depths of vulnerability your team aims to uncover, we are pleased to have more (yes, even more) honest and open conversations with our gals and guys in separate areas. There’s something that happens when you have a load of men or women alone in a room. Creating safety often creates a beautiful greenhouse for people to soften to truth, especially regarding such intimate places. If your event would benefit from this type of organization for a session or multiple, we are happy to make this work for you.
The Cultural Effects of Porn
“Porn doesn’t hurt anyone.”
The root of pornography addiction is often more about inner health than it is external desire. We need to uncover the fact that that porn is not a normal part of femininity or masculinity. With real life stories, scientific discoveries, and biblical truth, we create a space for vulnerability around the topic of porn. We discuss what this does to our hearts, and quite literally the makeup of our minds. Does porn cause more long term damage than once thought? Will you actually be able to stop using it as your “fix” once you’re finally married? Invite us to come start the conversation with your community.
We know this can be one of the most sensitive topics in todays culture. We like to break up into a smaller group to discuss personally common points of struggle and offer strategies of how to love extravagantly while still upholding biblical truth.
Pastor Leader Training
One of the greatest goals of Moral Revolution is to shift church culture as it pertains to sexuality. We do this by training pastors and leadership teams in the areas they need to be aware of. Areas such as, ministry mindsets, current laws, even hiring practices, can all be important things to consider when leading a congregation. We can easily miss the practicalities of modern society within the safety and often seclusion of the walls of the church, therefore we aim to address and equip in light of the realities of our current cultural norms. Ultimately we want to equip the Church to lead the conversation of sexuality, rather than continue to let culture take the reigns.
Getting Your Needs Met & Healthy Communication
“Come here. Go away. No, stay here.”
Healthy communication and the ability to be aware of personal needs are two of the most critical skills to acquire when navigating relationships. With clear practical teaching, we help give keys to identify needs and find healthy ways to communicate these needs. Connection is the one thing we were created to do from the beginning. Connection with God, and one another was established in the garden, and we are still uncovering new ways to uphold connection and communicate more effectively. Your needs make you human, and we value learning how to manage all of the beautiful pieces it takes to thrive in this life, ultimately landing in pulling one another closer and establishing lasting relationships.
Dating & Starting a Relationship
What does the Bible say about dating? Well, it doesn’t directly talk about how to date, but it does talk about how to love. We’d like to un-complicate Christian dating culture and help people learn to be a whole person that wants to add value to another in a romantic relationship. What’s the natural progression of a relationship? Building trust. How do you build trust with the other person, know your physical and emotional boundaries and making sure to use your words to communicate bravely and clearly - no matter what the outcome is.
Singles With A Sex Drive
Being single, everyone has done it. It is not just a season to trudge through so you can finally achieve the goal and get married. How do you move from a place of “waiting” into the momentum of thriving as a single man or woman? How do you get your internal needs met? How do your single life habits and lifestyle you chose, carry over into your future marriage
Often in our need to make it out of this season, we forget to savor the really beautiful concepts within it that we will one day exchange for a different glory within marriage. We would love to bring the conversation of wholeness and fulfillment in single life to your community.
Femininity & Masculinity
What a beautiful thing it is to be human. God made man and woman in His image, each depicting a glimpse of who He is, and His glory. What an honor it is to represent his nature within our sexuality and gender. One of the primary areas of confusion in our culture is male and female identity. Immense hurt from maternal and paternal figures poorly representing their gender, and lack of healthy teaching on what it is to be male and female is the key contributor to this cultural problem. Through clear teaching and a graceful approach, our hope is to provide Godly perspective on our gender roles, and come to know them as liberating rather than inhibiting who we truly are.
Boundaries (Emotional & Physical)
Boundaries are both biblical and critical. As people of God we have the honor and responsibility of protecting and reinforcing what is valuable. We are instructed to guard our hearts as well as consider our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. With these instructions to guard what we have been given, we help outline practical ways to set create boundaries without becoming legalistic. We discuss the value of building walls that protect what’s valuable, without keeping out what is good for multiple levels of relationship including friendships, families, romantic relationships, etc.
We have a growing team of speakers who speak on a variety of topics custom for your group, conference, or podcast. Find the topic you would like to host.
Natalie Mathey 🇩🇪
Est. Time: <24 HRS
This is where you tell us who you are, where you’re from, what you’re about, and what you’re dreaming of when it comes to this event! Tell us what you are thinking here, so we can review the form as a team and have a better idea of what direction we will need to be going in once we start the conversation!
Est. Time: 1 Week
The part where you hear back from us! We hope to get back to you in approximately one week after bringing the idea to the team. What that looks like is we set up a Zoom call with the person heading up this event and, prior to meeting, forward you a list of questions/content that we will be going after in our meeting!
Est. Time: 3 Weeks
In our chat, our goal is to get to know you a little better, dream up your event with you and understand what you’re going after, and ultimately determine if it’s a match. We’ll discuss dates, content, finances, demographics, community and event size.
Est. Time: 4 weeks
Now that we feel like it's a good fit for both of us, here’s the part where we send official contracts, cross our t’s and dot our i’s. We want connection with you and your team as we are dreaming this together! As the paperwork is finalized, we work on a tentative schedule for your event.
Est. Time: 8-12 WEEKS
You’ll be in connection with our event coordinator who will have an open ear to all of your questions, as well as provide you with the media kit, letters, speaker info, additional paperwork, flights, plans, event set up information, etc.
Est. Time: 8-12 WEEKS
Once the event is set in stone, we just have to celebrate that fact. You'll see Moral Revolution post about our excitement about coming your way. We love posting all upcoming events on our website, as well letting our social media followers in the loop about where we are headed next and what we will be doing with you and your team.
Est. Time: 8-12 WEEKS
It's time for the event. After preparation and marketing from both of us, we're excited to partner with you to see your group encounter the truth. This is the best part. We finally get to meet you wonderful people that we’ve been in technological contact with for months! We hit the ground running with you, and get this event rolling.
Est. Time: 8-12 WEEKS
We love that we’ve developed relationship with you, your team, and your community. We still want to connect to see how it went, and hear all of the the testimonies and stories of where God showed up! We will be in touch with you after the event to follow up.
Host An Event
Digital Media Request
Our heart at Moral Revolution is to share the message of God's design for healthy sexuality as much as we can. We love partnering with ministries around the world to spread this hope! Recording Podcasts, Facebook & Instagram Lives, and other videos are great ways to do that. Interested in inviting our team members to join yours? We'd love to hear from you! Fill out the following questionnaire and our team will get back to you shortly.