Cultivate God Confidence


Today is a day to uncover the filter of nasty lies that we’ve seen ourselves through for too long. A day to find out what the Word of Life really has to say about us and set that as our unshakable foundation. A day to let our gratitude turn what we have into enough, more than enough really. When we get thankful, there's no room for bitterness and discontentment. A day to discover the kind of community we want to be a part of and the kind of friend we want to be: one that calls others higher rather than pulling them down. A day to build up our souls, to look at our thoughts, our attitudes and choices and realize we are powerful in them. Lastly, a day to rest- to look at who He made us to be and call it good. To find the peace that is beyond our circumstances, that comes from the Prince of Peace Himself. Even when our life is storming, the boat seems to be sinking and the wind is raging around us, He brings a calmness that kills anxiety. I like to call it “peace that doesn't make sense”. That’s when you know it’s from heaven.

We are living in a time when our identity is under attack more than ever before. We cannot let the enemy continue to take advantage of us. We are not unaware of his schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11). He knows that when we know we are, when we walk in the fullness of our identity in Christ- as sons and daughters of the King- he loses. We are not victims, we are the victors. When the believers are silent, when they’re not speaking life and truth and not living by design- the enemy comes in with a counterfeit and confusion. He’s confusing our generation’s sexual identities by making people believe that there are more than two options. When we take it back, all the way back to Genesis- it’s super clear, “He created them male and female, and he blessed them and called them ‘human.’ “ (Genesis 5:2) He continues to twist the meaning of masculinity and femininity. We also take it back and remember he’s been subtle and skilled in deceit from the beginning.

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” -Genesis 3:1 NIV

From the beginning we have been calling into question, “Did God really say this!?” or “What did He really mean?” Is He trying to withhold good from you? Think about it: have you ever found yourself questioning if God really said something, or meant it the way the Bible clearly teaches? Wondering why God would want to keep something that seemed “good” from you?

Eve already was like God, made in His image. The enemy was convincing her to fight for something that she already obtained.

Convincing Eve of her lacking when she had none. Think on that for a moment. She had everything she needed. She was already made in the image of her Father. She was in relationship with Him- walking and talking in the garden. She had the the acceptance, security, significance, authority- she was royalty really. So are we. Yet, we are searching for the significance we already have. You are more than enough. You are made in His image, in His likeness. When we know the nature and goodness of God and realize we are like Him, that is more than enough. When we see His power at work and know that we are able to walk in that same power, life is an unstoppable adventure. When you encounter His gaze at you, His grace towards you, you are forever changed. We find ourselves like Eve, taking a bite of something that is whispering the lie that it will give us something that we already have obtained. Your enemy wants to pile on shame and striving, while your Father has grace and rest for you.

They took the bite, shame entered the scene, they realized they were naked, then they hid. When we are filled with shame, we hide in the shadows. Are there layers of shame in your life that have caused you to hide, to shrink back in your life? He’s calling out to you just as He was to them that day in the garden. “Where are you?!?” (Hint: He knows where you are; He just wants you to know He is waiting on you, He is calling you to come…”)

God called to the Man: “Where are you?” He said, I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked. And I hid” God said, “Who told you you were naked? Did you eat from that tree I told you not to eat from?” -Genesis 3:9-11 NIV

Who Told You?

Sister, “Who told you….?!?” Who told you that were a failure, that you’re not good enough, that you’re too much of this and not enough of that? Who told you that you are worthless? Who told you that you had to look a certain way? Who told you that you are incapable of love? Who told you that you would never amount to anything? That you’ll never find someone to love you? Who told you… insert your most common lie, your darkest moments, the accusations that come against you.

When I start to feel lies swarming around me, I always know what will fire me up for the good fight. Recognizing the lie and the source of it is key. Before the truth can set you free, you must realize which lies are holding you hostage. Find the source of the lies, find the entry point and let your Father walk back into the beginning and say, “Who told you?” We don’t want to live our lives based on what the father of lies has led us to believe, but we want to follow our Heavenly Father to the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6) and the deceiver. God declared war between the serpent and the woman that day and guess what? We win! I love that infamous Pinterest image that says, “Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, “Oh crap! She’s up!”

Are you in? Are you feeling motivated? Motivated to kick the liar out and walk in the fullness of who you are created to be? I am a firm believer in this: When we see ourselves the way God does, our confidence soars and our true beauty is revealed. When we see ourselves the way God does we live lives on our purpose, on fire. Talk about “this girl is on fire” -- when you see and walk in the authority and boldness you have as a daughter of the King of Kings, that is fire. Can you imagine life on the other side of this? Walking in confidence that we don’t need “acceptance” from anyone because we’re already accepted by The One. We don’t have to battle daily insecurities, we can walk secure of who we are in Christ. Our search for significance can end when we realize it has already been found. I am who He says I am. Our motivation can be intrinsic rather than extrinsic, simply meaning we can be motivated internally rather than needing the external approval of others all the time. It’s this internal strength and knowing that nothing externally can shake. It’s self-confidence, it’s God-confidence. Confidence isn’t being able to say, “they will like me.” Confidence is, “I’ll be fine if they don’t.”

Forget about self-confidence; it’s useless. Cultivate God-confidence.” -1 Corinthians 10:12 MSG

Soul Work:

Your soul work for today sister is to do it: LOOK AT YOU, GIRL. Shut the door, have a private moment- what do you see? Who is looking back at you? Do you immediately look at your “imperfections” or “flaws”? Are your first feelings divine or filled with disappointment, self-loathing or self-love?

Now invite your Good Father to speak to you. Ask Him what He sees. Start to seek His voice of truth over your sometimes shouting lies, opinions, and critiques. Let Him lead you to seeing yourself the way He does.

If you find yourself struggling, if the lies are swarming like a bunch of bees, buzzing in your ear- write down, “Who told you?!?” and put it up somewhere as a reminder. Those lies didn't come from your Father. You are wildly loved.

This article is republished from Caitlin Zick’s 7 day devotional book, “Look At You Girl”